Jordyn tries to play with her brother, but Raiden can’t talk or walk and has limited ability to use his hands. So she often turns to her parents and asks “Will you play with me?” But they have little to no time or energy left as they struggle to stay on top of their jobs, taking care of Raiden or getting groceries and everything else they need.
Jordyn has learned she just has to wait.
For millions of families like ours, the heaviness we live with every day is not being able to be there for our other children. Sometimes Linda and Tommy sit and watch videos of Jordyn, the best years of her childhood, the ones they’ve missed, the ones they desperately want to live and experience all over again.
They can’t get those lost times back, but can do everything in their power to start a genetic treatment for their son that gives him a fighting chance, while at the same time pausing to take in the little moments when their children interact in the ways that they can.