In the Frost family, life revolves around Annabel. Her parents' time and energy go to caring for her and giving her the attention she needs, while at the same time fighting to fix her genetic condition. Her mother Nina stays up until 2am, putting in the hours to work toward a treatment, then wakes at 6am to get Annabel up and ready for school.
But perhaps the hardest thing Nina and her husband Simon face is the guilt and sadness of giving so much of themselves to Annabel and worrying that there isn't enough to give to their older daughter, Clara. This same guilt weighed heavily on me every day as I carried Mila around the house, spoon fed her food and helped her go to the bathroom, with Azlan in the room next door, alone, playing with his toys. On top of the loneliness, Clara watched her grandmother decline and die of cancer, all while watching her sister have episodes and need rescue medicines. For Clara, growing up like her friends isn't an option. She's had to grow up quickly, worry that her sister is more important to her parents than she is, and live every day with the uncertainty of whether Annabel could die at any time.